Radiodetection gCAT4+ Cable Avoidance Tool


Radiodection gCAT4+ Cable Avoidance Tool with GPS Datalogging, StrikeAlert, CalSafe and Depth Estimation




Radiodetection gCAT4+ Cable Avoidance Tool with Depth Estimation, Cal Safe, Strike Alert and GPS usage  Datalogging

Find more buried utilities, faster – with the new gC.A.T.4 range of cable avoidance tools. All the features of the eCAT4 cable locator range but with fully integrated, automatic GPS and enhanced logging and data analysis capabilities. The gCAT4+ has the depth estimation function as standard.

  • data logging, SWING, CALSafe, StrikeAlert, depth estimation and GPS as standard
  • faster detection
  • C.A.T4 Avoidance Mode™ lets the operator check an intended excavation area for Power, Radio and Genny signals, and pinpoint located utilities in a single scan
  • bargraph ‘tidemark’ enables an operator to quickly spot a peak response and zero-in on a buried conductor
  • dig more safely with optional StrikeAlert™
  • unique digital signal processing capabilities reject electrical interference
  • Dynamic Overload Protection allows operators to continue working in electrically challenging areas, such as near substations and under power cables, where other locators’ detection circuitry may be overloaded and no longer function
  • control the sensitivity of each mode/signal, to pinpoint buried utilities in a single pass, Real Sound provides audio feedback derived directly from the utility located
  • eCert™ – using the CAT manager software allows you to perform a fast and thorough test of key circuitry elements, checking against the original factory calibration over the internet
  • high visibility display with backlight helps to minimise the possibility of misreading critical information from the unit, providing optimum visibility in all light conditions
  • CAT manager software is a Windows® PC program that allows plant, fleet and site managers to minimise down time by performing software upgrades, sending a service request, reproducing calibration certificates and compiling/editing user information
  • compatible with the CAT3 and Genny3 range of accessories
  • The gC.A.T4 range incorporates an internal GPS/GNSS receiver which adds positional data to log records showing not only how the operator was working, but also where the C.A.T was being used.
  • SMART GPS integration: The gC.A.T4 GPS implementation is designed to enable fast GPS fixes even if the C.A.T is used for only a few seconds at a time – and no operator interaction is needed.
  • On-board memory allows over a year’s worth of data2 to be stored on eC.A.T4 and gC.A.T4 series products
  • Bluetooth (for future use)


CAT4 and Genny4 Brochure

CAT4 Genn4 Accessory Brochure