Radiodetection Genny4 Signal Generator


Radiodetection Genny 4 Signal Generator


Radiodection Genny 4 – signal generator for use with any of the Radiodetection Cable Avoidance Tools.

  • new integrated logic design
  • provides a class-first simultaneous dual-frequency signal output design
  • alongside the familiar 33kHz locate signal for general purpose locates, the Genny4 transmits a second frequency designed to facilitate location of small diameter cables such as telecoms and street lighting, including spurs
  • for tricky locates, the new power boost function enables the locate signal to travel further and deeper, and couple onto utilities more easily
  • the Genny4 offers, alongside its standard power mode, a Signal Boost feature which increases the output signal by up to 10 times allowing you to locate over extra distance and depth
  • the simultaneous Small Diameter Locate frequency design aids detection of smaller cables including spurs


CAT4 and Genny4 Brochure

CAT4 Genn4 Accessory Brochure